Wednesday, October 15, 2008


On my birthday the hubs, daughter and I were hanging in the halloween department of Wal-Mart when Faythe asks me what I'm going to be for Halloween. I told her I didn't really know as I wasn't sure if I was going to be anything at all. She promptly told me that I should be a vampirate! Of course! What perfect sense! How did I not put those two together before? So I am officially going to be a vampirate for halloween! I bought myself a red velvety renaissance type dress and some fangs and a pirate hat, hook, sword and eye patch. All I need now is some fake blood and I'll be all set!

Faythe's going to attempt to be a Jawa again this year. She had fun dressing up as it last year but when she saw the final product it scared her too much to actually wear it out. All she cared about was becoming Faythe again. She told me she's older now this year ("I'm 4 and a half!!") and that she can handle it now.

This is how she looked last year:

Jawa Faythe & R2D2 #2

Jawa Faythe #2

I told her she could go as a Jedi if she wanted to but she wants to be a Jawa. I hope she really does pull it off this time, would love for her to go out as something other than a princess or faerie!

Faythe as a Jedi:

Jedi Faythe #2

(fun with photoshopping!)

Jedi Faythe & Her Crew

We need to make sure we have new batteries for her eyes but other than that I think the costume is still a go! I really wish I could take her back to Illinois for Halloween, she would have so much more fun there. I don't know if it's just because I grew up in a smaller community but it's such a bigger deal back home than it is here. Hardly anyone decorates the outside of their homes. I don't even get trick-or-treaters at my house, I had to give up giving out candy! It seems most people go to the mall to trick-or-treat. What kind of fun is that? Part of the fun in trick-or-treating as a child is being able to go up to people's houses and ring the doorbell and shout, "TRICK OR TREAT!!!" and talk to the people giving out the candy. Not getting knocked over constantly by a mob of kids at the mall. There are so many in fact that it's hard for the one or two people at each store to even concentrate on who to give candy to and everyone is pushing and cutting in line. It's insane! Plus their candy always sucks. Wow, a tootsie roll? You rock, Sears! A sucker? Thanks Spencers! Not even one of the good suckers either like blowpops or tootsie roll pops. Nooo, it's those plain, usually lemon flat circle ones like you would get from the doctor or hairdresser when you were little. Luckily my kid has been young enough each year to not really care what she's getting.

Also, is it just me or are the mini candy bars getting smaller and smaller each year? I remember when I was growing up, the mini candy bars (take Snickers for example) were AT LEAST 1/3 the size of a normal bar if not more. I bought a box of mixed candy the other day and the snickers are smaller than bite-size! Granted, I have grown since childhood but even my daughter could eat one of these in one bite!

Okay, enough candy ranting for now! I leave you now with some Halloween-themed pictures taken by my brother at Galloway Cemetery:

Happy Halloween!


Khadra said...

Im glad you are dressing up. I remember you saying October wasnt as fun for you as it should be. Of course you will need to post pictures of you and Faythe!

There is not much funnier than reading you say you need to buy batteries for your daughter's eyes.

oh and eerie pics!!

DMorgan's Zoo said...

Awesome photos. The stairs one rocks.