Monday, December 15, 2008

Freaking Awesome

Go to here: Gay Penguins "Best Parents in the Zoo"

I had to post this because it's just so freaking awesome (hence my title, ha!). It's nature people! NATURE! Love it!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

New Layout...WEEEEE!

Thanks to Khadra over at Crab Goggles, I've been able to decorate my page for the holidays! Wa-hoo! As anyone who knows me knows I LOOOVE me some Christmas (and Christmas decorations), so this is right up my alley!

Unfortunately I'm also sick as a dog and need to go lay down so there won't be a long post today! Just a quick little update & picture then I'm off to bed.

We've got the Father-n-law moving in with us in January (speaking of which, he is over and they are talking so loud I can't barely think properly to even type this) and so we've been tearing apart our house getting rid of stuff trying to make room for him. I've got two boxes in our storage space that I've had since I moved here 9 years ago. It was the perfect time to go through these boxes to see what I can toss and what I should keep (thinking there shouldn't be much to keep if I haven't cared it 9 years).

One thing I'm SO excited about finding is my choir Christmas tape. My senior year in high school (12th grade for you Canadians) my choir made a Christmas album. It was truly one of the best days of my life. It was so much fun making an album, singing the songs over and over and recording in 13 hours. We had pizza, christmas cookies, recorded in a beautiful church, it was wonderful! I just wish I knew how to convert a tape into an MP3. I'm sure there's a way. I'm so concerned about my tape getting messed up one day and then losing those songs. My mom has the actual album so that's comforting at least but I still want to get it converted.

Okay, enough update for now. I can't concentrate with this sickness and my husband & Father-n-law going on the way they do.

12 days to go!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


On my birthday the hubs, daughter and I were hanging in the halloween department of Wal-Mart when Faythe asks me what I'm going to be for Halloween. I told her I didn't really know as I wasn't sure if I was going to be anything at all. She promptly told me that I should be a vampirate! Of course! What perfect sense! How did I not put those two together before? So I am officially going to be a vampirate for halloween! I bought myself a red velvety renaissance type dress and some fangs and a pirate hat, hook, sword and eye patch. All I need now is some fake blood and I'll be all set!

Faythe's going to attempt to be a Jawa again this year. She had fun dressing up as it last year but when she saw the final product it scared her too much to actually wear it out. All she cared about was becoming Faythe again. She told me she's older now this year ("I'm 4 and a half!!") and that she can handle it now.

This is how she looked last year:

Jawa Faythe & R2D2 #2

Jawa Faythe #2

I told her she could go as a Jedi if she wanted to but she wants to be a Jawa. I hope she really does pull it off this time, would love for her to go out as something other than a princess or faerie!

Faythe as a Jedi:

Jedi Faythe #2

(fun with photoshopping!)

Jedi Faythe & Her Crew

We need to make sure we have new batteries for her eyes but other than that I think the costume is still a go! I really wish I could take her back to Illinois for Halloween, she would have so much more fun there. I don't know if it's just because I grew up in a smaller community but it's such a bigger deal back home than it is here. Hardly anyone decorates the outside of their homes. I don't even get trick-or-treaters at my house, I had to give up giving out candy! It seems most people go to the mall to trick-or-treat. What kind of fun is that? Part of the fun in trick-or-treating as a child is being able to go up to people's houses and ring the doorbell and shout, "TRICK OR TREAT!!!" and talk to the people giving out the candy. Not getting knocked over constantly by a mob of kids at the mall. There are so many in fact that it's hard for the one or two people at each store to even concentrate on who to give candy to and everyone is pushing and cutting in line. It's insane! Plus their candy always sucks. Wow, a tootsie roll? You rock, Sears! A sucker? Thanks Spencers! Not even one of the good suckers either like blowpops or tootsie roll pops. Nooo, it's those plain, usually lemon flat circle ones like you would get from the doctor or hairdresser when you were little. Luckily my kid has been young enough each year to not really care what she's getting.

Also, is it just me or are the mini candy bars getting smaller and smaller each year? I remember when I was growing up, the mini candy bars (take Snickers for example) were AT LEAST 1/3 the size of a normal bar if not more. I bought a box of mixed candy the other day and the snickers are smaller than bite-size! Granted, I have grown since childhood but even my daughter could eat one of these in one bite!

Okay, enough candy ranting for now! I leave you now with some Halloween-themed pictures taken by my brother at Galloway Cemetery:

Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

It's funny cuz it's true!!

Okay so I don't know if anyone ever reads my blog and if they do they are republican but man this video is hilarious. If someone does for some odd reason actually like Sarah Palin then don't watch it. For those of us that find this situation utterly ridiculous, have a listen!!

(PS - Vancouver Baby!! It's the best place in Canada =D)

(PSS thanks to the blog Fancy Schmancy, I first saw it there)

Monday, April 07, 2008

I was cute once

See? Cute! Look at me all 19, blonde and cute like! I feel like a mess now. I know part of it is my fault, I need to keep some things under control and be a little less lazy. But as I look back, I thought I was heavy then and I was 125lbs!

My husband likes to joke that I never had blonde hair, that I just like to think I did. PROOF! I never started coloring my hair until my 20's. I used to do it for fun, now I have to do it to cover my grey. When I was pregnant, my hair turned really dark from the hormones. It still hasn't recovered, other than the grey of course. I'm going to to have my hair done this weekend or next weekend I think. I kinda want to get back to the color of my past (which is essentially my daughter's natural color now). I miss being a blonde, I think I've been a brunette long enough! Maybe this will inspire me to lose some weight. God knows I've tried. My coworker gave me some weight watchers books so I'm going to have a look at them. Either way if and when I ever get pregnant again I want to be sure that I don't gain a pound. I have more than enough to sustain a pregnancy and would love to be 9 months pregnant and the weight I am now so that after the baby is born I'd actually be thinner than I was when I started! My OB thinks that I was misdiagnosed when I was pregnant with Faythe and that I really did have gestational diabetes. That's another reason why I want to be sure that I'm eating properly. That and I'm 36...I'm not a spring chicken anymore!

Don't mean to sound so down in this post. I wish I could say I was okay with getting older but I'm not, at least not right now. Maybe I'll feel this magical acceptance once I turn 40, I don't know. I know that I'm terribly afraid to lose my parents and with getting older that possibility is ever closer on the horizon. I wish I was younger when I had Faythe (and hopefully her sibling) but that couldn't (can't) be helped. I don't want to be an old Mom and Grandma. Ah well, I'll just have to do everything I can to stay young at heart I guess!

So part of that means I'm going to go back to blonde, try to lose weight, maybe get pregnant and then see what happens!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

R2D2 We Wish You a Merry Christmas

Okay I'm being a little silly posting this 2 months almost after Christmas. We were listening to the song today (subject line) and when I saw this pic it made me giggle. Husband has now procured a Dalek since Christmas as well as a Tardis so our home is starting to be filled with many robotic things! It's great though, anyone that knows me knows that my husband and I are exactly the same.

Faythe has been afraid of R2 and K9 for quite some time but has finally decided they are not going to cause her any harm. We got the okay to turn on R2 for the first time in MONTHS and what happens? Why the batteries die, of course! R2 wouldn't listen and finally stopped working. We've been watching a lot of videos on youtube lately about the R2 robots too. It's so cute seeing what other families are doing with theirs. If only we were rich enough to get a life-size one!
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