Saturday, February 23, 2008

R2D2 We Wish You a Merry Christmas

Okay I'm being a little silly posting this 2 months almost after Christmas. We were listening to the song today (subject line) and when I saw this pic it made me giggle. Husband has now procured a Dalek since Christmas as well as a Tardis so our home is starting to be filled with many robotic things! It's great though, anyone that knows me knows that my husband and I are exactly the same.

Faythe has been afraid of R2 and K9 for quite some time but has finally decided they are not going to cause her any harm. We got the okay to turn on R2 for the first time in MONTHS and what happens? Why the batteries die, of course! R2 wouldn't listen and finally stopped working. We've been watching a lot of videos on youtube lately about the R2 robots too. It's so cute seeing what other families are doing with theirs. If only we were rich enough to get a life-size one!
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