Saturday, April 29, 2006

Family Electrocution

Note to self...

Do not have your husband turn off the TV while you are using a semi-wet Magic Erasure to wash off the crayon put there by your daughter while holding her with your left hand who happens to also be holding onto her Daddy.

It completes a circuit...and it hurts!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Happy Easter!!

Hope everyone had a great Easter yesterday. Faythe had a lot of fun since it was her first real Easter. She really enjoyed trying to find her basket and all of her eggs.

Boy did we ever pay tho for letting her eat chocolate all day!

Bed Potato

Guess what we found under the bed!! Yes, my daughter left us another growing spud. Thankfully we did some spring cleaning or who knows when we would have found this one! Too bad I don't have my own place or I'd root the sucker and plant him!

We have now thoroughly checked the rest of our house to make sure we have no more suprise plants growing. Thankfully, this seems to be the last of the bunch!

On a side note, it seems we still have black widows as the hubster found another one in one of our boxes the other day. He tried to kill it but unfortunately it got away. We're going to have to rent a suit of armor and go through all of our boxes to get rid of them. I'm nervous now as to how many might be there since another has been spotted! It also scares me because it's in the same area as my cat's litter boxes. Thankfully that's one reason why they have fur, spiders can't bite through it!