Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Couch Potato Story


My daughter decided she wanted to play with the bag of potatoes. No problem, she likes to count, sort & stack things so why not count, sort & stack potatoes.

When she was done, I thought I had recovered all the potatoes but apparently I missed one.

I missed the one that rolled under the couch.

We noticed one day Faythe was trying to grab something under the couch and when we bent down to see what it was, low and behold it was Mr. Potato. Alan tried to grab it and had to literally rip the roots from the carpet as they started to take hold!

After being severely grossed-out for about 10 min, I finally got myself to grab it and throw it away. Not until I snapped a few pics tho, of course! Hubster thought it was funny that I had to take the pics of it on the couch, tho. He said I was staging them but what was I to do? Take a pic of the potato in the garbage?

Needless to say Faythe hasn't played with any more vegetables as of late. Except when she's eating of course. ;)

Monday, March 13, 2006

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Christmas is over!

Well Faythe sure enjoyed her first real Christmas and having her grandma in town. She still occasionally walks through the house shouting "Aaaah-Daaaaa!!" or going up to white-haired ladies in the mall saying, "Ah-Da?". She asked my mom one day where she was and my mom said "I'm in the phone" and Faythe proceeded to hit the phone against the floor multiple times trying to get Ah-da out of the phone!

The spider in the box was, in fact, a black widow. I was suprised to find out that we have black widows in British Columbia and lots of them! She never came back but I am terrified to open any of our other boxes in storage!

We've had a few changes since Christmastime. Alan's sister gave us a new nephew (cutiepie!!) in January and his grandmother passed away in February. I hate to sound cliche but so goes the circle of life I suppose. She was 94 so she lived a long life. She actually passed away the day before her late husband's birthday. It was very windy on the day of her funeral and the tarps covering the dirt were flapping like crazy. We joked that they were fighting already!

The hubster and I are trying to have another baby. We'll see how this goes! We're not going all crazy about it but we would like it to happen sooner than later since Faythe will be 2 next week. I still can't believe she is going to be 2! She's such a big girl. She is all about Dora and Diego right now, and speaks some spanish because of it. I hated Dora before I had Faythe but I have to say I like it now. It's actually a great show for kids and she's learned a lot from it.

I'm taking Monday and Tuesday off from work to spend some time with Faythe for her birthday. I can't wait! We're going to go out for breakfast and go shopping. Last year I got her ears pierced but that only lasted about 10 days. I don't think I'll be doing that again until she is older ;).

Time to go perform my wifely/motherly duties and make dinner, etc.! Adios for now!